“The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens”


About the Bahá’í Faith

Bahá'u'lláh, Founder of the Bahá’í Faith, teaches that there is one God whose existence is beyond our understanding. Although we may call Him by different names, we are speaking of the same loving, omnipotent Presence that has guided humanity throughout history.

God reveals Himself to us through a series of Divine Messengers, according to the needs of the time, that bring teachings which address both the social and spiritual needs of a maturing humanity. These Divine Messengers, such as Abraham, Krishna, Moses, Buddha, Zoroaster, Jesus, and Muhammad, all reflect the same singular Divine purpose: to educate humanity and guide the material and spiritual progress of civilization.

Bahá’u’lláh, the most recent in this series of Divine Messengers, outlines a framework in His writings for the development of a global civilization centered around the recognition of the oneness of humanity, offering a compelling vision of a future world defined by justice, peace and prosperity.

For the Betterment of the World

Bahá’ís believe that all humans have been created to carry forward this ever-advancing civilization. As humanity evolves in its consciousness, we develop our capacity for new ways of thinking, feeling and acting. We can choose inclusion over division, love over hate, peace over war, cooperation over self-interest. We can choose to recognize the harmony between science and religion, and the fundamental nobility and equality of all humans, regardless of race, sex, gender, religion, class or creed.